Should I Dye My Hair Black? Revealing the Pros and Cons of Black Hair Dye!


Discover the ultimate guide to transforming your look with black hair dye! Are you considering dyeing your hair black but unsure if it’s the right choice for you? Unveil the exciting pros and potential pitfalls of embracing this bold hair color. Get ready to make an informed decision that could revolutionize your style!

When I was in the seventh grade, my friends and I made a deal to dye our hair black on the last day of school. Surprisingly, I was the only one who actually did it. Ever since then, I rocked jet-black hair throughout my teenage years. It had its ups and downs, though.

If you’re wondering, “Should I dye my hair black?” I have a lot to say about it. Based on my own experience, there are both pros and cons to dyeing your hair black. Let’s break them down so you can decide if black hair dye is right for you.

Drawbacks of Dyeing Hair Black

Pros and Cons of Black Hair Dye

While there are several reasons to consider dyeing your hair black, let’s discuss the downsides first. If any of these disadvantages make you feel uneasy, it might indicate that dyeing your hair black may not be the best choice for you.


Prior to dyeing your hair black, it’s important to understand the maintenance involved. Since hair grows approximately half an inch every month, the roots of your hair will become visible quite regularly.

If you already have dark hair, this may not be a significant issue. However, if your natural hair color is light, your roots will start to grow out, resulting in a noticeable contrast. To maintain the desired look, you should anticipate touching up your roots every 3–6 weeks.

Moreover, if you fail to take good care of your hair, the black color may fade over time. To combat this, you’ll need to invest in color-safe hair products, which often come at a higher cost compared to regular hair products.

Additionally, if your hair color fades quickly, you may need to reduce the frequency of shampooing, which may or may not align with your preferences.

Mismatched Eyebrows

If your natural hair color is much lighter than black, you may end up with eyebrows that don’t match the hair on your head. While some people might like this look, it can be a concern if it’s not your preference.

Conventional advice suggests getting your eyebrows dyed or tinted to match your hair. However, it’s important to note that there are currently no brow dyes or tints approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Despite decades of data on these products, none have been proven safe, and many have caused significant injuries, including cases of blindness.

Considering this, it’s crucial to be cautious when deciding to dye your eyebrows. If you’re still willing to take the risk, it’s best to seek professional assistance. Professionals use techniques and follow sanitary procedures that minimize the risks, even though they still use products that are not FDA-approved.

If, like me, you’re not willing to jeopardize your eyesight for the sake of beauty, an alternative is to use makeup to fill in your eyebrows. If you already use makeup on your brows, this won’t pose a problem for you anyway.

Considerations Before Dyeing Your Hair Black

  • Commitment: Dyeing your hair black is a significant commitment, as it’s difficult to return to your natural color.
  • Hair Damage: The process of removing black hair dye can be damaging to your hair, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to achieve your exact natural hair color again.
  • Transition Period: You’ll need to wait for your hair to grow out before fully transitioning back to your natural color.
  • Options During Transition: Options include letting your natural roots grow out, dyeing the roots with semi-permanent dyes, or using dyeing techniques like highlights or balayage to blend the black hair with your roots.
  • Expense: Dyeing your hair black can be more expensive than expected, considering the cost of the dye itself, potential professional help to fix the color, hair damage repair products, and color-safe hair products for maintenance.

Makeup Considerations

  • Makeup Adjustments: Changing your hair color to black may require adjustments to your makeup routine, as the colors that worked well with your previous hair color may not complement black hair.

Health Risks and Allergies

  • Cancer Risk: Some studies suggest a possible link between permanent hair dye and breast cancer, but further research is needed for conclusive evidence.
  • Allergic Reactions: Certain ingredients in black hair dyes, such as PPD, can cause allergies, making black hair dye riskier for those with sensitive skin.

Benefits of Black Hair

  • Complementing Features: Black hair can make your eyes stand out and complement any complexion or skin color.
  • Appearance of Thickness: Black hair can give the appearance of thicker and healthier-looking hair due to the color molecules deposited in the hair shaft.
  • Aesthetic and Subculture: Black hair may align with certain subcultures or aesthetics, such as gothic or emo styles.

Taking it Slow and Seeking Professional Help

  • Test the Waters: Start with low-lights or temporary hair dyes to see how you feel about black hair before committing to a permanent change.
  • Professional Assistance: Seeking the help of a professional colorist can ensure the best results and help you find a shade that suits you.


  • Dyeing your hair black requires careful consideration due to the commitment, potential hair damage, and difficulty in returning to your natural color.
  • However, if black hair complements your face and gives you the desired look, the disadvantages may be worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the maintenance requirements for black hair dye?

  • Prior to dyeing your hair black, it’s important to understand the maintenance involved. You’ll need to touch up your roots every 3–6 weeks and invest in color-safe hair products.
  1. How can mismatched eyebrows be a concern when dyeing hair black?

  • If your natural hair color is much lighter than black, you may end up with eyebrows that don’t match. Getting your eyebrows dyed or tinted is an option, but caution is advised as there are no FDA-approved brow dyes or tints.
  1. What are the considerations before dyeing your hair black?

  • Commitment, potential hair damage, transition period, options during transition, and expense are important factors to consider before dyeing your hair black.
  1. Are there any health risks or allergies associated with black hair dye?

  • Some studies suggest a possible link between permanent hair dye and breast cancer, and certain ingredients like PPD in black hair dyes can cause allergies, making it riskier for those with sensitive skin.
  1. What are the benefits of black hair?

  • Black hair can complement features like eyes, give the appearance of thickness to hair, and align with certain subcultures or aesthetics, such as gothic or emo styles.

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Why Do My Eyebrows Grow So Fast? Understanding the Rapid Growth Phenomenon

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