My Egocentric Boss is Obsessed with Me: Navigating Workplace Challenges


In every workplace, there are different types of bosses. Some are supportive and easy to work with, while others can be challenging. One such challenging situation is when you have an egocentric boss who seems to be obsessed with you. This article will explore this topic in detail, providing insights and advice on how to navigate such a situation.

Understanding the Egocentric Boss

An egocentric boss is one who believes that everything revolves around them. They often lack empathy, make decisions based on their own needs, and require excessive praise. They may also ignore your accomplishments, be insensitive to employees, exploit employees, dominate conversations, and be stingy with praise.

Definition of an Egocentric Boss

An egocentric boss is a boss who thinks that everything is about them. They believe that they are the most important person in the workplace and that their needs and wants should always come first.

Signs of an Egocentric Boss

There are several signs that you might be dealing with an egocentric boss. These include:

  • They often talk about themselves and their achievements.
  • They rarely listen to others or show interest in their ideas.
  • They tend to take credit for others’ work.
  • They are often insensitive to the feelings and needs of their employees.

The Obsession: When Your Boss is Focused on You

Sometimes, a boss might become obsessed with a particular employee. This obsession can take many forms. It could be that they see potential in you, or they might feel threatened by you. It’s also possible that they’re simply trying to control every aspect of the workplace.

Reasons for the Obsession

There could be several reasons why your boss is obsessed with you. They might see potential in you that they want to nurture. They might see you as a threat and want to keep an eye on you. Or, they might be trying to control every aspect of the workplace and see you as a key part of that.

Impact on the Employee

Having a boss who is obsessed with you can have a big impact on you. It can make you feel uncomfortable and stressed. It can also affect your performance at work.

Dealing with an Egocentric Boss

Dealing with an egocentric boss who is obsessed with you can be challenging. But there are strategies you can use to manage the situation.

Setting Boundaries

One of the first steps in dealing with an egocentric boss is to set boundaries. This means making it clear what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

Seeking Support

If you’re dealing with an egocentric boss, it’s important to seek support. This could be from colleagues, friends, family, or a professional counselor.

Self-Care Strategies

When dealing with a difficult boss, it’s important to take care of yourself. This could mean taking time for relaxation, exercise, or hobbies that you enjoy.


What is an egocentric boss?

An egocentric boss is a boss who thinks that everything is about them. They believe that they are the most important person in the workplace and that their needs and wants should always come first.

Why is my boss obsessed with me?

There could be several reasons why your boss is obsessed with you. They might see potential in you, or they might feel threatened by you. It’s also possible that they’re simply trying to control every aspect of the workplace.

How can I deal with an egocentric boss?

Dealing with an egocentric boss can be challenging, but there are strategies you can use. You can try to understand their point of view, set boundaries, or seek help from HR. It’s also important to take care of your own mental health and seek support from others.


In conclusion, dealing with an egocentric boss who is obsessed with you can be a challenging situation. However, by understanding the dynamics at play and implementing strategies such as setting boundaries and seeking support, you can navigate this situation successfully. Remember, it’s important to take care of your own mental health and well-being in the process. You have the right to a respectful and supportive workplace. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and seek the help you need.

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